Saturday, April 5, 2008

Last day of spring break

I did manage to get some great shots of my brutes on their own. I hope you enjoy them.

The Museum had free face painting and Amelia requested that I make her a

The museum also had an extensive costume closet and Riley donned the spider costume. I love his smile and furrowed brow. He looks like he's ready to pounce.

They really were asleep. (I poked them just to make sure they weren't faking it.)

While Conrad & Amelia were asleep, we let Riley have the camera and he took this picture .
I really love this picture of Hans & me.


Hardy Family said...

Yeah, Monica you have a blog! I love to see my old ward members and how their lives have flourished. Your kids sure are getting big and look so much alike. Thanks for visiting our blog. How is the running going? Your friend, Stephanie

Joni said...

I remembered the address!! Your blog is way cute! I am still waiting for the playgroup entry though! :0) Your kids are so cute I can't believe Amelia and Conrad sleeping, so cute!

Mason Roland said...

Hay it looks like hans needs to shave but hay your son did a great job on the taking of the pic. ttul

Bethany C. said...

Hey guys! Love that you have a blog! We miss you. Your boys are getting so big and Amelia is just gorgeous. Hope that snow clears up for you soon. :)