Monday, April 27, 2009

"She's Crafty"

I was talking with Jill, a friend of mine in Vegas, and she noted that I hadn't mentioned my pregnancy since the ultrasound that let us know I was carrying a boy. Yes, I'm still pregnant and feeling severely normal besides the obscene amount of weight gain on every part of my body. (thus no pictures of me.)
I've been busying myself by reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, learning to crochet (not an easy feat since I'm a lefty), sewing a dress for Amelia and I'm currently taking a photography class. I am feeling so darn crafty these days. I heard a quote the other day that made me feel even more accomplished.

"I'm so crafty, I make people."

Amelia told me yesterday that Eva Creer was her very best friend.

Although I am taking a photography class, I did not take any of these lovely pictures of Amelia. Stacey, Eva's mother, did.
But I did crochet the hat

The pattern of the hat is for Beginners and comes with infant to adult size instructions. I'd love to post the pattern, but sadly it's copyrighted by the artist and she seems pretty serious about her copyright. That being said, she does sell the pattern for a small price at her Etsy shop:
Nutella Dreams late Night Crafts By thnkdfrent .


Karen said...

I bet you look beautiful even big and pregnant! Oh, please, oh please can I have the pattern for that cute crocheted hat. I can crochet but I have to use a pattern!

. said...

The hat is too are so talented! I am glad Jill asked, I had been wondering the same thing. It's nice to be feeling well. The time when you're pregnant is so strange, it goes so fast, then so slowly, then so quickly.

BTW, I love the title...Beastie Boys rock!

Dan and Sharon said...

I love the hat. I'll pay you to make some for my girls.- Sharon

Angie Larkin said...

So beautiful! Hat, kid and pics. Blog nursing...typing with one hand = short,lame comments.

Stacie said...

Nicely done!!

Congrats on the boy!

i said...


Summer said...

Monica! WOW. I am so impressed with your craftiness. The pictures are amazing.

Jill said...

Like ice is cold.