What is the world coming to?
A shocking thing happened last night, my darling Amelia asked "Can I please have some cherries?" instead of "Can I sleez have some sherries?" Her endearing speech impediments are disappearing and being replaced by proper pronunciations and a broader vocabulary. My sweet daughter making yet another step towards being a girl and not a toddling baby. These little milestones cause me to ponder, "What next?" And then I panic, and imagine Amelia asking why she can text her BFF and how come I won't let her get her ears pierced. Which brings me to a question for any of you out there. What is your view on ear piercing? would you let your daughter get her ears pierced? and at what age? I would truly like my girls not to have their ears pierced. Not for religious, medical, or philosophical reasons, but because I think it looks very classy and un pierced earlobes harken back to a time of innocence. Not that innocence is lost once the needle perforates the lobe. if that were s
o I lost my "innocence" at age 6 and again at age 16 and 18.When we lived in Guadalajara, Mexico, EVERY new baby girl had their ears pierced and because Amelia's ears weren't, most people asked, " Es Nina o Nino?" Translations, "Is your baby, (you know the one dressed in pink with the pink hat and flowered shoes) a girl or boy?" I can see ear-piercing as a cultural tradition, but in the United States there is no set day, or year or milestone that every parent has agreed on, or is there? Why and when do parents get their baby girls ears pierced? I am curious and wonder if I am the only one who hopes my girls just won't care or notice this trendy fashion .
I hope she never notices too! Anna couldn't care less. But as you know, I have been debating this one with Katy(my fashionista) since she was about 3 or 4. I fear that it is an unwinable battle. The bigger stink I make over it, the more likely she will think of nothing but doing it the second she gets the chance, whatever the age. For now my plan is bribery. Maybe I need to re-read that chapter on distract and substitute from Dr. Sears.
Sigh...little girls growning up. Just this morning I curled Afton's hair for church which I never do. She said, "Do you think the boys will like my hair?" Then when we got to church she said, "Is my hair as curly as Belle's?" To which I replied, "um, yes?" Then she flipped it over her shoulder and said, "Good. Then it's perfect." OH BROTHER! As far as the ear peircing goes...my philosophy is pierce them when I feel ready to take care of them and when they start begging for it. A teeny pair a pearls can look classy too:) I remember begging my mom to shave my sasquatch italian legs in fourth grade and she wouldn't let me...WHY? I never want to say no just because.
Oh my....Amelia looks adorable. She is such a beautiful little girl. and as for the earrings, I have no problem with it. all my girls have earrings since they were babies. In Indonesia all baby girls automatically got their ear pierced in the hospital when they were born. Since here in the states hospitals don't do ear pierced , we took our girls to Icing to get ear pierce. Putri got her ear pierced when she was 1 month old (my mom visited from Indonesia and she saw putri without earrings so she and Hendra took her out to get ear pierced while I was in school. When I got back, I was just happy cos putri looked so adorable with her cute little earrings). Melati got her ear pierced when she was 1 week old. It's better to do it when they're really young because newborn babies don't play with their ears (help the healing process faster just like belly buttons).and as the girls growing up, we teach them that only 1 pair of earrings are allowed.
This is a subject about which my husband and I disagree VERY STRONGLY! He thinks every baby girl must have her ears pierced - like it's the only normal thing to do. I think a little girl getting her ears pierced is an exciting thing she should be able to look forward to! I begged my mom for years to get my ears pierced - and it was such a big exciting deal when I finally turned 8 and was allowed to. I remember it very well - it was a big milestone like being allowed to shave my legs or wear makeup or something. But if you don't want Amelia to get her ears pierced, then don't let her. You're the mom, I say do whatever you feel is best!
My mom had me wait until I was 8 to decide, then I of course chose to. But, I feel the same way. Hopefully if I ever have a girl, she wont notice or she will decide not to :)
OUr family did it when we were 12. We were old enough to decide for ourselves, and it was kind of a right of passage into young womanhood. We wanted to way before, but we grew up knowing that's how it was, and we were so excited when we did. plus then we were old enough to take care of it ourselves.
I know what your next jewelry project should be. Beautiful, stylish, dainty and totally satisfying clip-on earings for girls. Consider me an investor.
Ear piercing is a right of passage in our house....menarche. Believe me, Roma couldn't have been more excited to meet Aunt Flo.
To pierce or not to pierce, that is one I left to you when you were 8 years old not 6. The clean untouched ear lobe is something you might have to point out to her when you are at Aunt Cherida's next time. I believe that Celeste also has no hole in her's either. Perhaps if you point out the UGLY scar and hole you have it may sway her to keep he lovely lobes mar free.
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