(Note: This is not related to the change of season or back to school)
Riley had another seizure (#2) on Tuesday morning on the bus to school. Conrad caught it. He told the bus driver, counted how long the seizure lasted and then called me from a friend's cell phone and while we were talking, the ambulance came. Fortunately, the seizure only lasted 57 sec. (according to Conrad) Riley was able to go to school 2 hours later with no problem. I was hoping that he we wouldn't have any more. Maybe he won't.
Conrad said this experience humbled him and made him realize that he needs to be nicer to Riley. He looked at Riley later that night and said, "You have to sit by me on the bus from now on and Mom I need a watch so that I can time his seizures more accurately." Conrad is feeling the mantel of being the oldest sibling. I'm glad. He stayed calm under pressure. That's a good thing.
But that's not all...
This last week, Amelia had a nasty night time cough that crept into her throat around 2 a.m. every night.
Hans started having a sore throat on Friday and by Sunday he went to the clinic and sure enough it was flat-on-your-back-with-the-fever- Strep. That Sunday night around 11:30 Conrad started puking until he couldn't puke any more. (Poor little guy. There's nothing more exhausting than watching your child dry heave at 3:50 in the morning.)
Fortunately Quinn and I are healthy. (knock on wood.)
Sweet Amelia was playing Florence Nightingale by bringing Hans water, covering him up with her blankets (notice the pink?) and patting him on head.
*I was going to end the post, but as I reread it and looked at Amelia's smiling face next to Hans' sick face, I realized that my kids are good kids and they love our family and want to help each other because... well they love each other. It's nice to have a realization of that from time to time.
Man! Does that ever stink! I so hope that Riley gets over these seizures--that's so scary that he had one on the bus! Also, poor, poor Rawhousers...I am sending prayers your way for speedy recoveries and some good sleep for all.
Way to go conrad for stepping up. It will be awesome to see how their relationship dynamic shifts through the years.
Bummer. We too have bad all that. Except the seizures. Those are scarey and often unexplainable.
I'm so sorry to hear about Riley! What an amazing big brother he has.
I hope health returns to your house soon...
Oh...what a mess. I just love Conrad's realizations. And there is nothing worse than the pukes. I'd rather wake up to a missing toe than the pukes. Hang in there mama.
You didn't mention that somehow Conrad got the idea that we'd be able to get a dog if Riley had a 3rd seizure. Where does he come up with these things? The only thing I can think of is that there was a kid here who had ADHD, and was thus allowed to have a coveted dog. So in addition to thinking about how to make lights that levitate by having a huge magnet on the roof, Conrad's had "How can we meet that health exemption?"
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